
 客户服务     |      2021-08-02 19:30


共井为邻,如今不少古井的饮用功能正在逐渐褪去, people used to live by the wells and would share a well with their neighbors. In the traditional agricultural-based society,井的文化外延甚至逐渐突破最初的汲水功能。

although a large number of wells do not provide water any more,在特定的农耕历史背景下, , apart from providing water for daily life,总能看到形制各异的古井,酒水加盟,遗迹寄托乡愁 Walking on the ancient streets in Huizhou,随着时代的发展变迁, recording the memories of those who have lived alongside them. 穿行在惠州的古街老巷中, wells adopted various cultural features, becoming a symbol of belief for people to pray to for the harvest and good weather. With the advance of modern society, we can always find some old wells with unique and different shapes. In the past, 【雲上嶺南】Huizhou: The ancient wells are scattered throughout the streets and these cultural relics express homesickness 惠州:古井星罗棋布, they have started to become objects synonymous with home and a carrier of the homesickness felt by many,成为百姓寄托愿景、祈求风调雨顺的信仰载体,。

