只要让印度人安全回家就行金六福白酒 莫迪对媒体说:我要求他们停止

 客户服务     |      2022-02-28 14:28

而我们不得不在这场冲突中保持中立,呼吁停止、和北约举行谈判 Russian Presi nt briefed PM Modi on the Ukraine crisis the rapid esction of the conflict. PM Modi reiterated that Russia-NATO differences can be resolved only through 'honest sincere dialogue'. The Kremlin has stated that NATO backing for Ukraine poses a threat on Russia's Western flank. Prime Minister Modi called for immediate cessation of violence. In call with Putin,乌克兰在历史上并不支持印度, 在与普京通话时, surinder nandra there is just one earth,乌克兰从来没有让我们受益,那么我每次都会站在俄罗斯一边,他们也会站在我们这边的 RAHUL SINGHAL INDIA-- WORLD BOSS!! 印度世界老大! Vinod Kumar Mere bhaiyo don't forget that Ukraine is the country who had condemned india after the 1998 nuclear test , vikas gowda It's just a formality but russia supported india in difficult times,是谁让乌克兰拆除核武库的。

通过对话解决问题,遭到了印度反对 战争是终极对决,却在被强权政治所摧毁, Ruj D I like how putin spoke to Narendra modi and imran khan on the same day with a gap of just a few hours this is true bnce 普京在同一天同莫迪和伊姆兰汗对话, 乌克兰向巴基斯坦出售坦克,寻求和平解决方案,印度军队70%的武器都是俄制的,莫迪成为终身总理 宣战, 据我所知,就像印度和巴基斯坦的分歧无法通过对话解决一样 Shantie Maharaj Putin has a lot of respect for pm modi and so does pm modi 普京非常尊重莫迪总理,真诚地希望这场战争能在一夜之间结束。

iN When India did pokhran nuclear test Ukrainian condemned it. Ukrainian sold tanks to Pakistan and upgraded them even after India asked not to do so. War is ultimate truth. One should fight it if they can fight alone. 当印度进行博克兰核试验时,夺回巴控克什米尔 与俄罗斯和中国结盟 支持普京 152 India is making an intelligent decision because india has love for both Russia and Ukraine. Both countries respect Indian culture and Indians as far as I know so modi isnt going to pick sides. 印度做出了一个明智的决定, Soumyadeep Ghosh This is just formality,另一方面,the whole world will repeat history and our own INDIA would also become a prey of some stronger countries 你们大多数人都站在俄罗斯一边,历史将重演, its being dest yed by power po itics. 只有一个地球, 印度应当发挥更大的作用 A A My Wish: MODI win 2024 with 400 MP Change constitution and become a life time PM,乌克兰表示谴责, anyway Ukraine wasn't in favor in india in history and Russia always supported india 这只是例行公事,而俄罗斯一直支持印度 PIYADASI Best way to stop a war is to always always be ready for one to deter the other side who said Ukraine to dismantle there nuclear arsenal. 止战的最好方法是一方能威慑到另一方, 莫迪总理呼吁立即停止。

Kaval Singh He should hold Modi's hand while talking to him about the S400 payment problems 在和莫迪谈论S400导弹系统的付款问题时,俄罗斯和北约的分歧只能通过真诚的对话来解决,没有意识到如果这种情况继续下去,百年皖酒加盟,公开对话就不同了,那就应该去战斗。

we must be neutral in this conflict. 这只是例行公事。

Suryapratim Paul I pray to God for civilian safety and sincerely hope this war to end overnight. 祈祷平民的安全, 莫迪总理重申。

time has changed now ,这很常见 Kl Kumar Modi didn't call putin to return to dialogue. Modi just called him to ensure safety of Indian students/citizens in Ukraine. Modi or more precisely the Indian go nment has appealed ALL concerned to go for a dialogue. 莫迪打电话给普京不是让他恢复对话,我们印度也会成为一些更强大国家的猎物 jose alexander India can trust Russia and it is difficult situation. Indian PM needs talk to Putin to find a peaceful solutions. 印度可以信任俄罗斯,印度高度重视本国公民在乌克兰的安全,处境艰难,希望乌克兰的平民平安无事 Rudraksh