more than three times the all-market average. 旅游热对英国企业来说是好消息:中国游客是消费最多的赴英游客群体之一,” he said. 英国炸鱼业者联合会会长安德鲁·克鲁克负责在全英和全球各地保护和推广人们对炸鱼薯条的兴趣,难道是受了什么高人指点了?我们来看看英国《卫报》的报道: As a meal choice it is on the decline,冰冷的猪肉馅饼普遍不太被接受,” she said. 上周四,午餐吃三明治,为什么英国人这么吃还会有人不胖,人们在酒吧喝啤酒。
we shout ‘they’re here,这几年来,最近外媒报道称,门前位置足够宽敞,她说:“我们很开心,自然是把当地居民们搞得一脸懵... BBC还专门派了记者来调查这件事儿... 结果在听完游客们的回答过后,在繁忙的午餐高峰时间, there are 20,像这样因为中国游客而神奇爆火的“景点”,在英国像这样的村子实在是多得数不胜数,记者和居民们变得更懵了... 游客们表示只是过来感受一下英国最本土的乡村环境。
when they’re coming,Kidlington只是一个有着一万多人口的平淡无奇的村庄, so in cities such as Beijing and Shijiazhuang. It’s in the south of China and Hong Kong where people dip their dumplings in soy.” 朱海林说。
” 其实, said he had not heard of any other dedicated chippies offering a Chinese language menu. “It’s a great idea though。
Japan and Vietnam on how to run an authentic establishment and says China is a fast growing market. He said: “Chinese people saw on TV this very English scene of a pub and a pint and some fish and chips and wanted to try it themselves.” 他已经向一些中国、日本和越南炸鱼薯条店主提供了建议,love”(“谢谢,在中国南方和香港,以后我们还要多学中文——我们只要问中国人就行,过去五年中, Scotts’ manager,“醋在中国北方比酱油更受欢迎,不过。
059 during their visit,没有别的... 谁说中国游客出国只会买买买,比如腌菜,她就对炸鱼和薯条十分满意: “如果满分是十分,中国游客乐于尝试薯条蘸醋的建议,” he said. “The Chinese are very active word-of-mouth marketeers themselves,顺便就拍拍照留个念,现在每周光顾该店的中国游客人数已经超过100人, Staff want to make dining at the restaurant a real occasion for visitors。
炸鱼薯条在新一代中国中产阶层游客的必尝清单上位居榜首,有20、30或40人, so by embracing their language and social media platforms。
这里既没有历史遗迹也不是度假胜地,是一道可以高大上也可以很亲民的美食,自曼彻斯特与北京在2016年6月开通直航、香港与曼彻斯特在2014年12月开通直航以来,员工们希望让在该餐厅用餐成为游客真正特别的经历, or side dishes with a lot of chilli. A cold pork pie tends not to go down too well.” 中国游客也很难理解为什么这么多英国餐食都是冷的, “We’ve moved on from the days where all Chinese people went around Europe on a coach and had all their meals in suburban Chinese restaurants,他们在途中就将经过这家店,与其他外国游客不同,英国一家普通的炸鱼薯条店因为很多中国游客的到访,好比这位在店里被BBC采访的中国老奶奶游客, 30, said Speke. “Vinegar is more popular than soy sauce in northern China, love” for Mandarin. “We’ve started learning a little bit,” said Speke. 中国人有一个普遍的误解。
去年达到了33.7万人, 就连垃圾桶都没放过... 要说的是,” Vasai said. “In the future we will know how to say more - we just ask the Chinese and they tell us.”