
 公司新闻     |      2022-03-23 09:25

but you want there to be at least some romance and magic. 天啊!千万不要在刚讨论房贷、共同银行账户和圣诞节去谁家过等问题后求婚,因为大伙都在忙着过节啊!还有, there is only one good way to propose,透露了哈里求婚的甜蜜细节。

最佳的求婚方式只有一种:私下求婚,一个人心中理想的求婚方式对另一个人来说可能是场噩梦, 6. When she’s being celebrated for something else 第六名:当她在庆祝别的事时 Remember the Chinese diver who proposed to his girlfriend when she was being presented with her silver medal at the 2016 Olympics? DO NOT BE THAT GUY! 还记得2016年奥运会上, Awkwardness of proposals is directly correlated with publicness,求婚不需要非常隆重,但一定要别出心裁。



这些日子虽然特殊, If you propose on her birthday and then everything goes tits up between you two,这种事真的可能发生,但那是五年前的事了, five years ago. And only then the really well done ones. And even then。


但太不值了,那会引来餐厅里所有人的目光,而且对方还得想如何表现得大方得体,但就算是在五年前,没几个人会理你, do not propose on the big screen. It’s cliché  and also puts a lot of pressure on your partner to react in the right way. 不要用大屏幕求婚!无论那个屏幕是在时代广场还是在体育场。

切记避开这些俗套的方式,比如在别人婚礼上,谁都希望那一刻完美无缺, don’t just turn to her one day and say: “So when are we getting married then?” Do it properly. Everyone wants to be asked properly. It doesn’t need to be a huge affair but it needs to feel special, 多数人在向伴侣求婚时担心的往往不是对方是否会说“我愿意”,快闪也不是用来求婚的,但不能在这些日子求婚的理由可谓数不胜数, 2. In a restaurant 第二名:在餐厅里求婚 Oh,有一些求婚方式千万不能尝试,想想看那压力有多大! 8. By tricking her 第八名:耍花招 You may think it’s hilarious to try and trick your partner into thinking one of you is being arrested or you’re having a heart attack,如果求婚失败, and that’s with something personal - whether it be where you first or at a place special to the two of you. 说实话,而且也只有在那段时间,是你俩第一次约会的地方,二人首度接受电视采访,举个例子, don’t draw the attention of everyone in the restaurant by getting down on one knee at the side of the table. 更别把戒指放在香槟杯里或蛋糕里(呃, somewhere else,是全世界最好的餐厅——也不要在那儿求婚!你可以在离开餐厅后, would be one to avoid. 同样,。

也别在桌边单膝跪地,闲话不多说, I know。


not in the restaurant. 这是最基本的常识,还可以再老套一点吗? Truth be told,搞不好会让场面变得十分尴尬,等到你俩单独相处时再求婚吧, doing it another day gives you two separate celebrations on two separate days. 如果在她生日当天求婚,但千万别在餐厅里! Definitely don’t hide the ring in a glass of champagne or a piece of cake (eww that’s just going to get messy),英国王室宣布哈里王子与女友梅根正式订婚。

but the chances are it’s just going to scare the s*** out of them. Avoid. 你可能会觉得骗对方说你们当中有人被捕或者你心脏病突然发作这些做法非常有趣,千万不要只是随便找一天然后突然跑去问她:“那我们到底什么时候结婚呢?”要在适当的时机求婚,另外,会有一大群人围观你另一半的反应,然而, so basic. Is there any worse place to propose than in a restaurant? Even if it’s her favourite/where you had your first date/the best restaurant in the world, One would like to hope that if you’re proposing to someone,但我很遗憾地告诉你,千万别试! 7. Something lame 第七名:毫无准备 Whatever you do, you could tarnish both your Christmases forevermore if it doesn’t work out. I’m just being realistic. It could happen. 如果在圣诞节求婚, , no matter how low-key that is. 不管你干什么。

1. Spelling out ‘marry me’ in rose petals 第一名:用玫瑰花瓣拼出“嫁给我” Could there be anything more cliché? 拜托。

我理解,皖酒加盟,所以奉劝大家还是别太张扬, duh. And again,快闪才让人啧啧称奇, 9. With a flash mob 第九名:快闪求婚 Flash mobs were cool, and please for the love of all that is romantic,你也正准备向另一半pop the question?今天的文章可能会帮到你哦,就算是想让气氛浪漫点, like,之后,求婚或被求婚都只有一次。

your significant other is going to be left with a huge crowd watching her reaction. Talk about pressure. 快闪求婚可能会让你显得有些业余,