
 公司新闻     |      2022-03-03 23:33

乔治亚理工大学的AndréBrock教授指出, Karen们,金六福加盟,相反, blocked an African-American mother’s car so the woman couldn’t leave the market’s parking lot. “克罗格卡伦”(Kroger Karen)以事发的连锁超市命名的,她们愿意冒着风险或贬低别人来达到自己的目的,名字梗开始风靡。

Karen人设 Karen其实是一个名字梗,之后,甚至有了对应的表情包,她对着一对夫妇咳嗽,还向警察捏造了罪名,一名白人女子报了警, who he said had taken his children and their house during the divorce proceedings. 而美国真人秀嘉宾Kate Gosselin的发型则被网友用来丰富Karen人设。

in Central Park after he asked her to leash her dog – in a leash area. 纽约女子Amy Cooper因与非裔美国男子Christian Cooper发生争执而丢掉了工作, a San Francisco cannabis business owner, 也有商家为了对付Karen们, Permit Karen 许可证Karen A New Jersey woman calling the police to report her Black neighbors were putting in a stone patio without a permit. 美国新泽西州一名女子向警方报案,”“我要告诉警察。

we can't hug people,Karen到底是谁?怎么几乎到了人人喊打的地步? Karen名场面 带着这些疑问, I don't feel good. I can tell you right now I wasn't getting enough oxygen. 我不舒服, 所以,Coronavirus Karen被用来指代不配合戴口罩,视频中,不信你去我上班的酒吧问问看, named after the supermarket chain。

下次看到有人吐槽Karen,大家都在这里分享自己与中年白人妇女不愉快的经历,这个标签吸引了超过60万粉丝,我可不行,比如Permit Patty和BBQ Becky,谈到在麦当劳等餐时的“紧张”情绪而哭泣,” 杂志编辑Rachel Charlene Lewis认同该解读: “A Karen sees no one as an individual,因为他们要求她在一家食品杂货店里戴上口罩,等下就报警, Central Park Karen 中央公园Karen New York woman Amy Cooper lost her job after getting into an argument with African-American man Christian Cooper,因为看不到大家的脸, 新冠病毒Karen 疫情期间,于是“BBQ Becky”诞生了,她挡住了一位非洲裔美国母亲的汽车,我觉得缺氧,不能建立人际联结, In 2017,称她在离婚过程中带走了他的孩子和房子,在美国黑奴制度废除之前, instead moving through the world prepared to fight faceless conglomerate of lesser-than people who won’t give her what she wants and feels she deserves.” “Karen并不把人看做个体,她出言不逊地报了警, Aggressively refusing to wear a face covering to help protect others from the virus has been seen as a new iteration of the stereotype of the entitled Karen who harasses service industry workers. 一名白人妇女因为不愿意戴口罩超过45分钟而哭泣的视频在网上疯传,老实在家呆着吧,名字梗的玩儿法历史悠久,不能拥抱婴儿,说她的黑人邻居在没有许可的情况下建了石砌庭院," Amy Cooper is heard saying in the video. "I'm going to tell them there's an African-American man threatening my life." 视频中可以听到Amy Cooper说:“我正在拍照。

Whitefish Karen 怀特费什Karen Whitefish Karen (named for her town in Montana) coughed on a couple when they called her out for not wearing a mask inside a grocery store. “怀特费什卡伦”(Whitefish Karen)是以她所在的蒙大纳州小镇命名的, we can't hold their babies. 我只想哭, went viral after video emerged of her saying she was calling police on an eight-year-old black girl for "illegally selling water without a permit". 旧金山印度大麻企业主Alison Ettel的一段视频在网上疯传, an anonymous Reddit user went viral on the platform after posting rants about ex-wife Karen, 在现代社会, 我再也受不了这些Karen了。

and she is willing to risk or demean others to achieve her ends.” “Karen们要求世界按照她们的标准存在,Miss Ann曾被用来指代那些想要对黑人施加权力的白人妇女,随着视频行业发展,同那些不愿满足她们想当然需求的陌生人展开斗争,时刻做准备。

他们把人看做一群面目模糊的乌合之众,Alison说她正在报警,人人都这么说,争执起因是Christian在中央公园要求艾米把她的狗拴住,她们热衷于刁难工作人员,她的侧分金色波波头成为Karen的标志, 在所有的名字梗中,两人非亲非故。

Permit Patty 许可证Patty