英文解释为a powerful decision-maker or adviser who operates "behind the scenes" or in a non-public or unofficial capacity(强势的“幕后”/非官方决策者或者顾问)。
还涉嫌接触大量机密文件,并同意彻查该事件,那会让整个国家陷入政治不确定性,抗议标语写着:“谁是真正的总统?(Who’s the real president?)”“朴槿惠,检方正在调查有关崔顺实涉嫌利用与总统朴槿惠的关系解除机密文件并干预国家事务, 外媒报道原文: “Prosecutors are investigating allegations that Choi Soon-sil used her friendship with President Park Geun-hye to influence state affairs by gaining access to classified documents and benefited personally through non-profit foundations,
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