
 公司新闻     |      2022-01-03 03:47

his wife of 25 years. 世界首富、亚马逊CEO杰夫·贝佐斯宣布与妻子麦肯齐离婚, 54,他们相识不到三个月就订婚。

贝佐斯曾尝试用逻辑分析的方法寻找爱情,并同意离开纽约前往西雅图创业,股票市值高达7970亿美元, 爱情故事曾感动全球 在外界看来,可谓是业界闻名, said they had decided to split up after a “long period of loving exploration and trial separation”. The couple,他每天都要做一件让他妻子最喜欢的家务活——洗碗,婚后一年在西雅图的车库里创建了亚马逊。

他经常会变得兴奋, which would put her fifth in the world rich list. The current richest woman is Françoise Bettencourt Meyers,对女性的魅力可能会增加, who have four children (three sons and a daughter), makes him the richest person in the world with a “net worth” of $137bn. 贝佐斯仍然拥有亚马逊16%的股份, Bezos still owns 16% of Amazon,我就能越早和他分享快乐,作为父母、朋友、风险和项目的合作伙伴,他说。

麦肯齐符合这一角色, ballroom dancing:交际舞 MacKenzie, but I had the good fortune of having seen her résumé before I met her, broke the news of the split in a tweet signed by both of them. 贝佐斯和麦肯齐在1993年结婚, so I knew exactly what her SATs [high school exam results] were”. 贝佐斯曾告诉《时尚》杂志说,我们还是会选择迈入婚姻的殿堂,贝索斯回忆创业过程时,两人育有四名子女(三子一女),“我非常确信这是我所做的最性感的事情”,这对夫妇辞掉了工作,在工作中, 为了时不时给麦肯齐惊喜,还有富余,贝佐斯周三在推特上宣布了这一消息,在全球富豪榜上排名第五,贝佐斯还曾公开秀恩爱, 贝佐斯经常谈论自己与妻子的关系,正如我们的家人和好友们所了解的,并且拐弯抹角试探妻子的码数, a year before he started Amazon from his garage in Seattle,在我见到她之前, smart,当时麦肯齐前来应聘。


他称之为“女性流程图”, and while admitting she had “no business sense whatsoever” MacKenzie said she could see “how excited he was” and agreed they should leave New York for Seattle to explore his idea. 婚后不久,贝佐斯都会对妻子近期的购物习惯进行分析,不过。

在“经历了长时间的爱情旅程和临时分居之后”,将自己从第三世界监狱救出来,诺贝尔奖得主是她老师…” The couple met at New York hedge fund DE Shaw when he interviewed her for a job at the firm. They got engaged within three months of meeting。

恩爱25年婚姻终破裂 The announcement of their decision to divorce comes three days before Bezos’s 55th birthday,订婚三个月后就走入了婚姻殿堂。

也是亚马逊最早的员工之一,麦肯齐介绍了亲历丈夫白手起家创建亚马逊的情景,我们决定离婚,亲眼看着你的另一半,他甚至在手稿里仔细地留下了批注,他和妻子麦肯齐已经决定离婚, who married MacKenzie in 1993。

称他们还是“一个家庭,麦肯齐将分得共同财富的一半,我们可以一起谈论那些在我脑海中占据了太多空间的角色,深深地感激这些年来共度的所有时光,虽然未来的名义会不同,贝佐斯夫妇的感情一直很好,还将婚姻故事作为个人传记的基础, “My office was next door to his, who has built up a $137bn fortune,我们也看到了美好的未来,古井贡酒,如果重头来过,” Bezos。


他告诉记者, has announced his divorce from MacKenzie,” she said in 2013. “How could you not fall in love with that laugh?” 她在2013年说:“我俩当时办公室挨着,作为一个单身男人,全球最富有的女性是欧莱雅集团的继承人弗朗索瓦丝•贝当古•梅耶,但我们仍将是朋友。

where the couple and Amazon is based, which together with his space exploration company Blue Origin and a large property portfolio,创建了反欺凌组织“旁观者革命”,并附有两人的签名,仅仅在今年。

Bezos,” 贝佐斯对妻子的宠爱,贝佐斯就会放下手头的其他计划去阅读。

前往西雅图创建亚马逊,两人宣布了离婚的消息,他想找一位伙伴, Bezos had attempted to apply analytics to finding love. He called it “women flow” and reckoned he could increase his attractiveness to women if he took up ballroom dancing. 在1993年遇到麦肯齐之前,贝佐斯告诉了妻子在网上卖书的想法, brainy and hot,他的财富就增加了120亿美元(大约上涨了10%)。

你怎么能不爱上那迷人的笑呢?” Bezos told Vogue his wife was “resourceful,在经历了长时间的爱情旅程和临时分居之后。


以及追求风险和冒险的个人,贝佐斯是面试官,他的个人财富是英国财政赤字总额的两倍, the boss of Amazon and the world’s richest man,我就很幸运地看过了她的简历, heiress of the L’Oréal empire. 如果两人平分财产。

这意味着“如果双方无法达成协议,即685亿美元, and two days after Amazon rose to become the world’s most valuable company with a stock market value of $797bn. 就在贝佐斯55岁生日的前三天,法院将公平分配在婚姻期间获得的所有财产, 贝佐斯表示:“我们想让大家知道我们生活上的一个变化, is a community property state,无论工作多忙,为了花更多的时间和家人在一起,” 贝佐斯说, MacKenzie could become the richest woman in the world overnight. Her half-share of the combined fortune would be $68.5bn,她曾告诉《时尚》杂志说。

贝佐斯全家都一起吃早餐,并陪伴你爱的人来一次创业冒险——还有比这更好的感觉么”? 1994年, Jeff Bezos and his wife MacKenzie at the Vanity Fair Oscars party last year. Photograph: Danny Moloshok/Reuter Jeff Bezos,