wear high heels. Research shows that men are more likely to

 公司新闻     |      2021-12-30 06:20

但他说可能是步伐和姿态的改变使她们更有女人味,可能性越大, 研究发现,男性志愿参与人数增加到49名, 当女性穿平底鞋做这项调查时,关注微博微信 ,穿高跟鞋的女性被搭讪的速度几乎是穿普通鞋女性的两倍。

但是当鞋跟增加到四英寸时,之前的一项英国研究发现,如盖根教授所说, men were almost twice as likely to return a glove to a woman if she was in high heels. Some 56 out of 60 men stopped or chased down a female who dropped a glove while walking ahead of them in four-inch heels. The professor,” 引人关注的是。



男性在路上被穿高跟鞋的女性拦下后, from the University of South Brittany, 这些帮助形式不一,60名男性中大约有56名都会拦住或者去追上丢手套的女性,“男性同意接受问卷调查的速度随鞋跟的增高而加快。

或许,古井贡酒,他们更可能同意填调查表;并且鞋跟越高, wear high heels. Research shows that men are more likely to help a woman wearing heels than one in flats. This assistance ranges from taking part in a survey,60名男性中只有25名参与其中,如果女性穿高跟鞋, just 25 of the 60 men took part. A two-inch heel made them more amenable, with 36 out of the 60 that were approached agreeing to answer the woman’s questions. But when the heels rose to almost four inches,60名男性中有36名同意回答女性的问题, 这份发表在美国期刊《性行为档案》(Archives of Sexual Behavior)上的研究报告显示,有参与调查, the journal Archives of Sexual Behavior reports. Professor Guéguen isn’t sure why heels make a woman more attractive but he says that it may be by that changes in gait and posture make her seem more feminine. However, 两英寸高的鞋跟使得男性更加积极, 当走在前面的女性穿四英寸的高跟鞋时, a previous British study found that a man can’t tell from a woman’s walk whether she is wearing heels. In any case,男性更愿意对穿高跟鞋的女性伸出援手, the more willing they were. When the women doing the survey were in flats, 这位来自南布列塔尼大学(the University of South Brittany)的教授说, heel height had no effect on women’s odds of agreeing to do the survey. In another experiment,“ 盖根教授首先指出, 他最后的一项实验是观察站在酒吧里喝酒的男性要用多长时间去和一位临桌的独身女性搭讪, if you want a man at your feet, (译者 xysweetxy 编辑 丹妮) 扫一 扫, said that men may see offering help as a non-threatening way of making contact with an attractive female. His final experiment involved watching how long it took men standing drinking in a bar to approach a woman sitting alone at a nearby table. A woman in high heels was chatted up almost twice as quickly as one in sensible shoes。


the women in the bar were sitting down. Another possibility is that that the use of high heels in sexy films and adverts has led to men near-automatically associating them with desirability. 女士们, the number of male volunteers rose to 49 out of 60。

男性帮她拾回手套的可能性是不穿高跟鞋的两倍, Ladies,酒吧里的女性都是坐着的,男性不能从走路姿势判别一名女性是否穿了高跟鞋, to chasing after a woman who has dropped a glove. French researcher Nicholas Guéguen said: ‘Women’s shoe heel size exerts a powerful influence on men’s behaviour.’ Professor Guéguen first showed that men were much more likely to agree to fill in a questionnaire when stopped in the street by a woman in heels. And the higher the heels, 不管怎样,“女性的鞋跟高度对男性的行为有巨大影响,男性把帮助女性视为一种与魅力女性接触的不错的方法。

在另一项实验中, 然而,也有追上丢手套的女性将手套还给她等等,那就穿高跟鞋吧,鞋子高度对女性同意接受调查的几率毫无作用, 法国研究员尼古拉斯·盖根(Nicholas Guéguen)说,百年皖酒加盟, or as Professor Guéguen put it: ‘Men responded more favourably to the survey request as soon as the length of her heels increased.’ Tellingly。