Love really takes to the air in Tokyo once a year, when dozens of Japanese shout out their ardor for spouses, partners -- and even themselves -- at an event that's also broadcast on national television. Get Flash Player Love really takes...

想要探索充满惊喜的精灵烟囱 想要挑战地心引力坐一回热气球 想要让肚子和味蕾满意而归 那就一定要来这里 土耳其 对于这个国家的文化、商贸和风土人情 你一定充满了好奇 If you...

据《每日邮报》报道,美国一对夫妇在悬崖绝壁之上拍摄了一组史诗般的婚纱照。100米的高空之中,新娘凌空独立,把生命托付在爱人手中。此等爱与勇气,令观者为之动容。 为了完...